Case Study: Infrastructure Performance

Suite of ITaaS Helps a Premier Aircraft Lessor Enjoy 3X Annual Savings Post Divestiture

Customer: A premier global full-service aircraft lessor Profile: The aircraft lessor invests in liquid, high-demand aircrafts and focuses on building long-term partnerships with, and value creation for, airline customers and investors
Industry: Airlines and Aviation
Services: A Suite of ITaaS

The privately held, wholly-owned subsidiary of a globally diversified leasing and specialty finance conglomerate was going through a divesture with difficult and unforgiving exit criteria. To support day-to-day operations and ensure financial transactions continued without any delay, change, or modification, the lessor was looking for a skilled and qualified Managed Services partner with global support.

Learn how Synoptek’s suite of ITaaS helped the aircraft lessor:

  • Establish itself as a stand-alone company quickly and receive extensive IT support across the globe.
  • Engage in the services needed without having to invest in hiring or maintaining their large IT ecosystem – and enjoy annual savings of 3X.
  • Automate the configuration of IT assets while streamlining access and enhancing user experience
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