AI-Assisted Application Modernization with Azure

As companies face the harsh reality of dealing with legacy systems, a complete overhaul is what they need. However, since a significant portion of such systems supports critical business operations, it becomes difficult to rip and replace them entirely – unless you use the right tools and approaches to application modernization.

AI-assisted application modernization with Azure facilitates the quick and efficient modernization of legacy apps to a cloud-first model. Organizations can infuse AI into their modernization workflows, leverage pilots and POCs, conduct intelligent assessments, and more. Using the power of AI and Azure, they boost productivity and facilitate cost-effective scalability via automated code conversion, transformation planning, and knowledge management.

Discover actionable insights to:

  • Intelligently modernize apps using the power of AI
  • Automate infrastructure assessment, code generation, and testing
  • Spend more time innovating processes and accelerating time-to-market

In this white paper, we will walk you through:

  • The application modernization imperative
  • What Azure offers
  • Accelerating modernization and unlocking differentiation with Azure

Download the White Paper