Infrastructure-as-a-Service Enables an EMR Solutions Company Achieve a Series of Operational Improvements

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Business Need

Before entering their partnership with Synoptek, Quatris Health was operating out of two data centers and owned their own hardware. The Cloud seemed to present the best opportunity to improve service to their customers and rid themselves of the capital investments and expenses involved in operating their own infrastructure. Quatris chose to partner with Synoptek to lead them through their digital transformation.

As their business grew, Quatris wanted to accomplish two seemingly opposing objectives at the same time. Increase the quality of their service to their healthcare clients while also unburdening themselves of many of the costs they were incurring. At that time, Quatris operated out of two data centers and owned their own equipment. Cloud seemed to present the opportunity to rid themselves of the frequent capital investments and the roller coaster of up and down expenses involved in operating their own IT infrastructure. Also, as security became more and more stringent the larger they grew, the more they needed to hire very high-level, expensive skill sets. In a world where redundancy is everything, they had to hire two of every position to assure continuity. Beyond the skyrocketing cost of so many skilled employees, it was difficult to retain such staff with so many diverse opportunities being presented to them in the exploding IT market. Knowledge transfer from departing specialists to new hires was, at best, difficult. Jim Hale, Quatris’ Director of Network Services explains, “We realized that we wanted a partner who could handle security, provide and maintain the infrastructure, and give us access to Subject Matter Experts across our technology environment.” A vendor Quatris works with mentioned he had his cloud IT provisioned by Synoptek. Hale made inquiries and realized he had found his partner.

“We realized that we wanted a partner who could handle security, provide and maintain the infrastructure, and give us access to Subject Matter Experts across our technology environment. Synoptek’s level of expertise from day one has been significant.”

Solution and Approach

“Synoptek provides us with Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS),” explains Hale. “We have operationalized our infrastructure, which delivers a much more consistent cost model. No more ups and downs.”

Synoptek has also stabilized Quatris’ personnel challenges by eliminating and replacing them. Hale expresses great confidence that, no matter what the IT challenge, “We know they’re going to have an engineer with the required expertise.

Jim Hale reports that “Synoptek has been a great resource for what we’re doing with IaaS. We have a great relationship. Synoptek has been flexible with us. We met in January of this year, said ‘here’s our roadmap’ and strategized with Synoptek. We had already reviewed AWS and Azure as possible futures. Synoptek, which also provides Managed Services for both of these, discussed pros and cons openly and honestly with us. It was about evaluating those other vendors as well. Visiting with Synoptek face-to-face, and seeing their data center, was invaluable.”

Synoptek provides Quatris Health with a highly secure, fully dedicated environment that helps them adhere to stringent HIPAA compliance requirements. Synoptek proactively monitors their network and workload performance, platform activity, and trends in utilization. Synoptek watches for activity that could disrupt the business and then performs the necessary remediation.

Business Results

Hale continues celebrating many of the operational improvements Quatris enjoys through their Synoptek partnership:

  • “Long term,” he explains, “the backup solution, which was difficult for us to manage, has been very consistent with Synoptek. We did well prior, but we were not as efficient. They provide reporting every day, which leaves me very comfortable and confident. Synoptek’s level of expertise from day one has been significant.”
  • “When we were having a performance issue, five or six people from Synoptek got on line with us to identify where the issue was and take preventative measures. They even worked directly with Microsoft to determine what best practices were to resolve our issues. In the end, we quickly determined that we needed to make corrections on gateway servers.”
  • “They have been very predictable in growth and cost. When we approach hitting capacity, Synoptek is already on top of adding hardware where needed. This has significantly accelerated our growth.”
  • “The advantages in choosing Synoptek’s Private Cloud over Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services (AWS) include autonomy over design and solution. We have worked with AWS & Azure, and we feel that those products are not at a point in their maturity where they are viable for us. We like the relationship, control, and autonomy of our Synoptek Cloud relationship. Azure is just a little more ‘cookie-cutter’.”
  • “The big thing for me is operational efficiency,” explains Hale. “By design, we have very consistent implementation for our customers with Synoptek. I know that every customer will be installed the same way across the board. This gives us a huge advantage from a support perspective.”
  • “Overall support is most predictable with Synoptek. I like the Client Advisory model. It’s a well-partnered, higher-level IT model. They provide insightful road mapping, handle our major initiatives. It’s all very positive. We talk with our Client Advisor at least once a week, often just to bounce ideas, concerns with direction, and the like. Synoptek’s advisory has been invaluable.”