The research and advisory firm works with business and technology leaders to drive customer vision, strategy, and execution that accelerate growth. With all research-related information provided through a website, offering a spectacular end-user experience was a core requirement.
Historically, the research firm created Contract User records or seat holders of advisory service based on opportunity line items. However, as new advisory products were launched, the client realized the need to create the next level of contract members.
The client also had a requirement of creating dynamic content for the onboarding welcome letter based on user’s subscription. Earlier the welcome letters were generated manually.
The client partnered with Synoptek for both these requirements.
Given Synoptek’s long-standing experience and expertise in workflow automation, we helped the client in creating the new contract framework for them:
Contract -> Contract user record for seat holder -> Contract member records associated with particular seat holder.
We not only automated the process of creating contracts, contract users and contract members based on opportunity line items, we also enabled a single click functionality to create these records – as against earlier where every record was created manually in Salesforce.
We also helped the client in automating the onboarding process. We created a framework to divide the welcome letter in multiple sections and also provided a facility to define content for these sections based on product type.
Once a new contract user or contract member is created in Salesforce, the process automatically generates a welcome letter based on the configuration.
In addition, Synoptek created a framework in Salesforce to define subscriber needs, associate activities performed for these subscriber needs from the client, and generate a dynamic PowerPoint deck from Salesforce based on these records as an engagement plan report.
This report is used to continuously interact with subscribers and to show them the value they are getting out of subscription with the research firm.
To track user engagement, we created an automated workflow to stamp accounts with engagement and onboarding flag. These flags are based on different criteria e.g. whether a reader has visited the portal, how many downloads have been done in the past x days, whether the reader has attended any event in the past y days and so on.
Based on these criteria, we developed an appropriate scheduler, so engagement and onboarding flags get updated and the client can take appropriate action.
Currently, Synoptek is helping the client migrate content from an earlier Salesforce instance to a new Salesforce instance. We are helping them understand usage of different fields in the new instance and defining the approach for merging the two instances to make sure that the portal works with minimal changes after migration is completed.
Partnering with Synoptek has helped the research firm improve day-to-day efficiency. Since the process of workflow automation is now automated, the client is able to save time on manual entries while devoting more time on value-added tasks.
In addition, automation of the onboarding process is helping seamlessly onboard new subscribers while getting end-to-end insight into their behavior – to better understand their needs and tweak content to improve satisfaction.