
Use Managed IT to Optimize Retail Operations

In our “buy on demand” economy, customer demands have sky-rocketed. Best of breed retail solutions reign in the battle of product awareness, sales dollars and ultimately market share. Omni-channel marketing is everywhere we look. Not only are customers purchasing via many device options, but they are also using a multitude of payment options. In addition, differentiation is a common objective for companies wishing to gain market share through the strategic deployment of technology solutions for retail.

Why Choose Synoptek for Managed IT Services?

We understand retail and technology-related solutions like no one else. We recognize the ever-changing “going to market” and the multitude of purchasing portals and sites available to consumers in our “New Age” economy.

Whether you’re looking to optimize retail operations through a powerful ERP, manage marketing and sales better, or create engaging e-commerce experiences, Synoptek’s managed retail IT and software services solutions are all you need to enhance sales and drive revenue.

How Does Synoptek Approach IT for Retail Businesses?

Our core approach is aligned with your business’s strategic objectives, capabilities and information systems needs. Our solution-driven method has made us a premier trusted advisor for retail chains as well as online stores. To provide you with the best technological solution for retail we:

  • Learn your business’s voice then provide best in class recommendations to deploy.
  • Manage multi-channel operations and derive business intelligence from both physical and digital retail footprints.
  • Address growing requirements of businesses in the retail sector
  • Use end-to-end enterprise software services to streamline operations, finances, and the entire chain supply.
  • Leverage a solid stable Microsoft stack with solutions for infrastructure, security, and applications.
  • Manage and guide your company through transaction-related processing and business intelligence.
  • Provide custom software development, application support, and quality assurance testing.

Synoptek provides IT services to companies in the retail industry. We ensure traffic to your brick and mortar and/or online store. We ensure your consumers are able to access key product information and comparative shopping options while enabling efficient and reliable checkout. This has led to increased product awareness as well as sales and market share, making our retail solution distinct in its own right while giving our customers a definite competitive advantage over others.

Retail IT Services Help

Case Studies - Retail IT Services Success Stories

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Featured case study

Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Reimplementation Increases Sales Through Demand Prediction

By having Synoptek as their Dynamics AX implementation partner, this Saudi Arabian toy retailer has been able to seamlessly manage operations across channels and pave the way for sustainable and future-ready omni-channel business.

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Our IT Solutions for Retail

Employee Self-Service Solution

Synoptek’s self-service forms enables enterprises to automate employee-based tasks and reduce manual efforts by enhancing employee self-service. This eliminates the tedious manual effort out of these tasks for employees as well as their managers.

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Project Portfolio Management

Synoptek’s SharePoint PPM Solution helps you organize and manage complex projects, centralize project documents, and automate your project reporting process. It helps in tracking projects, disseminating project reports, and enhancing project team collaboration.

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Field Sales Mobile App

Synoptek’s field sales mobile app helps enhance enterprise mobility and productivity of sales representatives during customer visits. Provide executives with critical insights in the sales process through better planning and tracking.

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Customer Service Solution

Synoptek’s customer service solution enables you to deliver, continually assess, and fine-tune customer service, delivering a superior customer experience that builds value and develops long-term customer relationships.

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Insights - Retail IT Resources

Featured Insight

Mitigating 5 Common Retail Challenges with Dynamics 365

For retailers struggling with merchandizing, pricing, and market fluctuations, Dynamics 365 is a one-stop solution for all retail-related needs.

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