Top 5 Data Visualization Trends in Modern BI Tools

July 15, 2020 - by Synoptek

Data Visualization in Business Intelligence

Business processes generate a large volume of data every day. To ensure all this data is stored, sorted, and visualized correctly, has, therefore, become one of the most critical challenges for organizations today. Data, when culled and presented accurately, can help businesses make wise, profitable decisions. More and more organizations are, therefore, onboarding modern Business Intelligence (BI) tools with powerful visualization features to their software ecosystem.

5 Data Visualization Trends in Modern BI Tools

Modern data visualization trends mainly involve speed and ease of automation, user-friendliness, presentation, and storytelling abilities. Here are the top 5 visualization trends that modern BI tools encompass.

1. Responsive and Interactive Analysis

Modern BI tools are not only responsive but also interactive, unlike their predecessors. For example, these tools can allow users to create a sales’ (or any other) dashboard with graphs and tables using an in-built drag-and-drop feature. The interactive dashboard assists the organization in effectively communicating with stakeholders in an easily understandable and logical manner.

2. User-Friendliness for Business

Augmented analytics makes BI tools user-friendly. It enables automated querying, includes natural-language queries and narration, data analytics, as well as visual data discovery – making BI tools easy to be used by everyone in the organization.When BI is not dependent on a particular set of people, the organization can make data-driven, informed decisions at all levels. Right from identifying trends to pin-pointing exceptions, with self-service analytics, anyone can use, understand, and transform data into a story.

3. Augmented Reality [AR]

Augmented Reality [AR] feature takes data visualization to an entirely new level. It enhances awareness and understanding by presenting data in a three-dimensional environment. AR is more attractive to businesses than virtual reality.

4. Mobile-Friendly Visualization

As a large part of the decision-making process now happens on the move, data visualization must be supported on all devices to be effective. Modern BI tools facilitate a consistent visualization of data on a laptop, tablet, or even a phone – making data more accessible irrespective of the location or tech setup.

5. Social Media Compatible

Social media has become such an inherent part of businesses that anything that’s not social media compatible does not work in today’s world. Data visualization is no exception. However, as social media users’ attention span is extremely low, the data visualization on social media has to be attractive and comprehensible. Visualization patterns such as 3D animation, GIFs, and so on work well on social media.

The Future of Data Visualization in Business Intelligence

Data visualization is a vital part of the business world, and its importance will grow as businesses transition more and more towards digitization. With modern BI tools, companies can easily comprehend data and present it to a larger group.

The more people get insights into what the enterprise data says, the more businesses will be ready to conquer challenges and obstacles. By leveraging the modern visualization features in BI tools, enterprises can bring data to life – making it more persuasive, compelling, and engaging for a larger group.

Interested in learning more about the power of data visualization in the modern BI landscape? Schedule a call with one of our experts to discuss the options available to you.

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