Blog: Managed Services

What are the Benefits of Managed IT Services and is it Worth it?

Explore Synoptek's Managed Services

January 23, 2024 - by Synoptek

The pace of digital transformation has encouraged many organizations to turn to managed service providers, so they can focus on making technology an enabler for their business and have a strong technology foundation to steer it to success. As per a report by Markets and Markets, the managed services market will be worth $372.6 billion by 2028, growing at an annual compound growth rate of 6.2%.

Although managed IT services offer numerous cost and efficiency benefits, when it comes to getting approval of the C-Suite, it’s all about ROI: what will they get in return when they partner with a managed services company?

Accelerate your business and technology evolution with outsourced support!

Read on to get a better understanding of the benefits of Managed IT Services and learn about its true ROI.

Managed IT Services Definition

Managed IT Services is the practice of fully or partially contracting the development, implementation, migration, maintenance, and upgradation of different parts of IT infrastructure or applications to a skilled and experienced third-party vendor. These vendors or Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are typically located remotely or operate from a near-shore or offshore location.

3 Major Reasons to Build Effective Managed Services Relationships

As organizations strive to stay competitive and relevant, the complexity of managing technology infrastructure, coupled with the constant emergence of new trends, poses significant challenges, like:

  • Lack of in-house technical skills.
  • The pressure to adapt to the latest technology trends at the speed of now.
  • The need to ensure regulatory compliance and optimum cyber security.

Establishing successful managed services partnerships ensures your company benefits from consistent pricing and the flexibility to focus on essential business challenges rather than the intricacies of IT management.

Types of Managed Services

Managed IT Services can be applied to support and manage various technology or service areas. However, the key service domains include:

1. IT Infrastructure Managed Services

IT Infrastructure Managed Services facilitate the continuous monitoring and support of IT systems, applications, and infrastructure around the clock. This allows organizations to concentrate on advancing their business without the burden of day-to-day technology management.

2. Application Management Services

Modern applications demand ongoing management throughout their lifecycle. Application Managed Services help to maintain and optimize the performance and functionality of these applications. From incident resolution to addressing user requests with specialized product knowledge, these services enhance application uptime, scalability, and security.

3. Data Managed Services

As the accumulation of vast amounts of data becomes a global challenge, Data Managed Services help organizations efficiently manage organizational data, addressing data growth, cleansing, storage, analysis for insights, and supporting evidence-based decision-making.

4. Cloud Management Services

Cloud forms the bedrock for digital transformation initiatives, but managing migration, resources, and ensuring availability while optimizing costs can be complex. Cloud Management Services provide comprehensive expert services to streamline day-to-day cloud management, ensuring functionality, addressing security and privacy concerns, and maximizing cloud ROI.

5. Workforce Productivity Managed Services

With the workforce becoming increasingly hybrid, managing, and empowering geographically dispersed employees is a significant challenge. Workforce Productivity Managed Services establish an interconnected and interoperable workplace by implementing and managing modern productivity tools, fostering collaboration between cross-functional teams while maintaining high levels of security and functionality.

6. Cybersecurity Managed Services

It is a time of heightened cyber-related threats, which means the need for strong cybersecurity measures. Cybersecurity Managed Services assist organizations in establishing effective cybersecurity controls and policies across networks, servers, applications, users, and secondary devices. Through continuous monitoring, such services enhance enterprise security, helping organizations keep pace with the evolving threat landscape.

Benefits of Managed IT Services

Lack of strategic advice, inadequate standards, and procedures, vulnerable cybersecurity, sub-standard customer service, and shortage of available IT talent make it hard for companies to efficiently and securely run their business.

In more recent years, forward-thinking companies are not just contracting IT services to save costs in non-critical areas of business but are also entrusting managed service providers from back-office processes to core business processes. Such collaborations are built on business outcomes and not just cost-effectiveness.

And it’s not just simple database management or application development that is being contracted. Today, contracting the C-suite is becoming a global phenomenon, which clearly states that you can outsource any service or department, to enhance results and returns.

Here are the tangible benefits of partnering with an MSP:

1. Achieve True Optimization

When you collaborate with a managed IT services provider, you can be sure that the right set of technologies are being implemented to satisfy both employee and customer requirements. A qualified managed IT services partner can ensure that you can easily adopt the latest and most modern technologies and solutions to meet your business needs. A partner can also help mitigate risks in time while constantly upgrading, updating, modernizing, and supporting your IT systems and driving true optimization.

2. Get a Better Grip on Security Risks

Companies, irrespective of their size or industry, are susceptible to cyberattacks. By partnering with managed IT services partner,, organizations have the required security controls, tools, and frameworks in place to minimize the probability and impact of a security breach. They can keep better track of their data and systems and proactively identify attempts to steal, misuse, or share unauthorized information. At the same time, they can also have the necessary policies and resources in place to recover from a breach while also preventing similar attacks from happening in the future.

3. Better Manage and Lower Costs

Yes, cost-effectiveness is still one of the main reasons why companies opt for managed IT services. Today, most managed services are offered via the pay-per-use model, allowing organizations to only pay for the services they use – while eliminating capital expenditure on expensive servers, systems, and other on-premises infrastructure.

Also, it takes off the pressure to hire and train resources, enabling companies to get access to all the expertise and skill sets they need, when needed. This allows them to lower their operational costs – while focusing on growing their business.

4. Improve User Productivity

With managed IT services, organizations also gain the advantage of boosting user productivity. A trusted partner can ensure the implementation of the right tools and systems, empowering employees to carry out their tasks with optimal efficiency.

Automated workflows, modern user interfaces, and seamless integration not only enhance overall efficiency but also contribute to achieving business objectives more rapidly. Simultaneously, a managed IT services partner is committed to ensuring all systems operate at their peak performance, consistently addressing issues for maximum operational excellence and user satisfaction.

Opt for Comprehensive Managed Solutions for Your Business

If achieving the desired ROI from your information technology investments has been challenging, it may be attributed to the difficulty of fully leveraging modern technology. Managing complex IT systems efficiently is hindered by limited expertise and the rapid pace of change. This is why many organizations are increasingly turning to Managed Service Providers for their IT needs.

A qualified MSP can provide seamless access to expert resources, tools, and processes, creating a tailored and comprehensive Managed IT Service Model for your business. The aim is to address your unique requirements and priorities while ensuring optimal utilization of modern technology.

Accelerate your business and technology evolution with outsourced support!